Where to terminate pool bonding wires


Long Island, NY
Hello Everyone, I’m an electrician on Long Island in NY. I am just curious on pool bonding terminations. I have a pool that was never bonded and I have gotten mixed reviews on bonding terminations throughout my career. This application happens to have the #8AWG bonding wire terminate in a Intermatic subpanel that supplies all the pool equipment. In the beginning of my career I was taught to terminate back to the main service panel and that terminating in the pool subpanel was no good. Please if anyone can shed some light on this
I don't find it clear if you are addressing pool bonding or the installation of equipment grounding conductors for pool equipment. Can you give more information
just need to know if I can land my bonding wires from 4 posts of the pool/ skimmer/ and pool equipment into the subpanel the subpanel all of the pool equipment is powered from or if I have to bring my bond wires back to the main panel in the home
just need to know if I can land my bonding wires from 4 posts of the pool/ skimmer/ and pool equipment into the subpanel the subpanel all of the pool equipment is powered from or if I have to bring my bond wires back to the main panel in the home
The bond wire does not need to connect to a panel. It is a look tying all the metal parts together so they are at the same potential
Take a look through 680.26. (A) mentions the remote panelboards.

680.26 Equipotential Bonding.
680.26(A) Performance.
The equipotential bonding required by this section shall be installed to reduce voltage gradients in the pool area. 680.26(B) Bonded Parts.
The parts specified in 680.26(B)(1) through (B)(7) shall be bonded together using solid copper conductors, insulated covered, or bare, not smaller than 8 AWG or with rigid metal conduit of brass or other identified corrosion-resistant metal. Connections to bonded parts shall be made in accordance with 250.8. An 8 AWG or larger solid copper bonding conductor provided to reduce voltage gradients in the pool area shall not be required to be extended or attached to remote panelboards, service equipment, or electrodes.