Which Boxes Do You Use?

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Which Boxes Do You Use?

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Senior Member
Newport, NC
Like most topics around here, this one has been covered many times, I'm sure, but I do not recall seeing it in "poll" format. I was doing a small addition the other day and HO bought the materials. He got Carlon nail-on boxes, which I pretty much despise. I am a Pass & Seymour kinda guy. What do you prefer, and if you feel like it, why? For the record, P&S has the only entry tabs that have any sensible design, IMO.
I use the Carlons simply due to the number of log homes I do. Stiff, brittle boxes don't work too well, but the Blue Jobs have enough flex in them to suit me.
I assume you mean wiring with NM cable? It depends on the application, for me. I like a different brand for each type of box.
  • old work- Smart Box or Arlignton One Box
  • New work, single gang - Carlon
  • New work, multi-gang- Slater
  • New work, ceiling- Union
i use whatever my boss buys. im not allowed to make suggestions. work on my own? i use blue carlon nail on boxes for new work and depending on the situation i use either metal old work boxes with madison straps or #4 wood screws. i also really enjoy using plastic oldwork boxes for regular sheetrock walls. with shallow walls i use 4 inch squares with a bracket and a plaster ring. arlington makes some really nice boxes especially the black plastic fan box that screws right to a joist or 2x4
I really like allied molded boxes, they dont flex and hold up well to a sheet rockers rotozip, besides that, I dont supply them my boss does... PLUS they make a 22.5 cu.in 1 gang box, and they make a dryer/range box.

stickboy1375 said:
You know what he means, falls on deaf ears...
I guess, but most of these boxes are so close in price, it would be worth it to me to get whatever a guy likes to use most just to make him feel like his input is valued.
Union boxes are my preference for most general purpose nail on boxes. The gray ones. The nails take more abuse than the carlon boxes. But I love the carlon adjustable one with the single screw adjuster that allows perfect placement in granite splashes. Smart boxes are another favorite thing. For fixture boxes I am a brown bakalite type guy.
I have a wide range

I have a wide range

mdshunk said:
I guess, but most of these boxes are so close in price, it would be worth it to me to get whatever a guy likes to use most just to make him feel like his input is valued.
Of supply houses local 2.25 for smartbox 1.17 30 miles away supply house for same smartbox.
I use all three. :-?

P&S for most applications.
Carlon Adjustable depth for some applications.
Allied plastic molded extra deep for some spplications.
And of course smart boxes for some applications.

So I vote "all of the above +1"
What, no steel?

I stock as many kinds, metallic and nonmetallic, as I can find easily. If I'm banging out one repetitive install, I'll lay in more of one type.
In this area, Slater cut-in over Carlon (as others state, more cu in.)
most avoid Carlon's mutli-gang as the romex "clips" easily break off, expecially in cold weather.
augie47 said:
In this area, Slater cut-in over Carlon (as others state, more cu in.).

The old Carlon cut-ins would kill me because I would forget to reverse the layout when I would trace the face of the box on the wall. :roll: :grin: . Now it is an even cut all the way around.
360Youth said:
P&S has the only entry tabs that have any sensible design, IMO.
I'm with you on this. I generally use P&S for new work installations. I once used carlon nail-on 1-G boxes and failed an inspection. The inspector claimed that because one of the port tabs was loose or broken I voided the fire rating of the box. That doesn't happen with the P&S boxes. However, I do like the Carlon adjustable boxes for bathroom and kitchen backsplashes where tile will be installed. I also use the Carlon 4" round remodel boxes instead of some of the other 4" round remodelers. The diameter of the box is smaller than some of the others and the fixture canopies cover the outer rim completely.
The diameter of the box is smaller than some of the others and the fixture canopies cover the outer rim completely.


The trendy new pendant lights have a very smalll canopy and the box usually sticks out just enough to cause problems.

Why don't they make a smaller version? You don't usually need much room in a cut in light box.
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