Just check the Seperation distance between 13.2/480V outdoor oil transformer (assume oil tank is 10000L) and building non-fire wall or between two transformers, in IEEC- 979, it state as below:

So From building wall to transformer or between two transformer should be 25ft .
But if follow NEC 110.34(A) table it from wall to transformer to be 6ft (condition2 for beyween transformer and wall) and 9ft (condition 3 for between two transformer) wihch is much less than requirement above IEEE979.

Below is our project drawings. It meer NEC but not meet IEEE-979. so I am confused which one to be followed or my understanding is wrong?
Thanks !!!

So From building wall to transformer or between two transformer should be 25ft .
But if follow NEC 110.34(A) table it from wall to transformer to be 6ft (condition2 for beyween transformer and wall) and 9ft (condition 3 for between two transformer) wihch is much less than requirement above IEEE979.

Below is our project drawings. It meer NEC but not meet IEEE-979. so I am confused which one to be followed or my understanding is wrong?
Thanks !!!