White Panel in Hoffman Box

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Senior Member
What is the white panel inside a Hoffman box made out of? This is the plane that the din rails mount on. It must be a conductive material, right?
What is the white panel inside a Hoffman box made out of? This is the plane that the din rails mount on. It must be a conductive material, right?

If you are talking about what I think you are talking about it is just a sheet of mild steel that has been painted (most likely powder coat method).
they are painted steel usually.

although you can also get galvanized panels.

I think some very small plastic boxes from other manufacturers come with a plastic mounting panel but they are unusual.

I think some boxes are available with aluminum panels as well. not real common.
141222-1140 EST


If the outer box is steel, then the included inner plate is steel. To check use a magnet.

To determine if it is conductive use an RF sensor such as an inductive prox switch.

What would you expect?

The steel plates are not a very mild steel. They drill and tap hard. Use cutting oil. I believe a dull drill will heat harden the area being drilled. You can break a tap easily. The original TapMagic was real good, the new stuff not so good. Aluminum TapMagic is still good. http://www.tapmagic.com/

You ask many questions, but don't return with feedback on your end solution.

What is the white panel inside a Hoffman box made out of? This is the plane that the din rails mount on. It must be a conductive material, right?

It is conductive, you want it to be conductive or the items mounted to it would not be grounded.
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