from some info I have -- Introduction In large commercial buildings when offices and work areas are located near electrical systems such as transformers, network protectors, secondary feeders, switchgears, busway risers, and electrical panels, the occupants are usually exposed to very high 60-Hz (Hertz) magnetic field levels ranging from 10-1,000 mG (milligauss). Fortunately, magnetic field strength rapidly diminishes as a function of distance from the electrical source. However, approaching the 60-Hz magnetic source, the occupant may be exposed to extremely high 1,000-100,000 mG levels. Occupants are not aware of this potential hazard unless the magnetic source produces electromagnetic interference (EMI) in sensitive electronic equipment (monitors, computers, magnetic media, audio/video equipment, etc.). Once detected, 60-Hz magnetic field management (mitigation) ultimately becomes the responsibility of the building management; otherwise the victims (occupants) may seek legal action. This Guide, which includes a tutorial section on EMF Fundamentals, should be a valuable aid to building managers and engineers who have a challenging 60-Hz magnetic field problem.