Re: Whole house automation
For the most part I agree with the others on this. Total home automation is a tough sell. However, I use X-10 equipment often in areas where running wire is not practical. I've had both successes and failures with this gear. If you use any of the switch modules that have a dimming feature you have to be very careful. Most of them are only rated at 300 watts. I recently had to go and change out several that were installed by a homeowner (or landscape contractor) that were used to switch non-dimmable loads such as flood and landscape lights. They worked well for a while until they burnt up.
As was mentioned by others, this stuff gets very pricey. If you use the switches with the dimming feature (that are notorious for failing), they cost around $ 20.00 each (and don't require a neutral to operate). If you use the non-dimmable and better quality switch/relay type (which require a neutral to operate), they cost in area of $ 40.00 to $ 50.00 each. Then, there are a couple on "unknowns" when using this gear. If the switch doesn't work, or doesn't work every time, or doesn't work when certain household appliances are being used you may need one of the following : a) a network bridge - cost around $ 50.00, b) a signal amplifier - cost around $ 200.00 or c) noise filters for computers and TV's - cost around $ 25.00 each. Of course, you're not going to know this until you actually get on the job and discover the problem(s), or when the system fails after the homeowner actually moves in and plugs in all those items that weren't there when you did the original installation. So, after you've convinced your customer to spend several hundreds or thousands of dollars, you may end up trying to convincing them to spend a few hundred dollars more to make the system work properly.
I don't mean to dissuade you from using this equipment but you have to make an investment of some time and money (on a relatively small scale) and experience some of these things before going into it full force. I also have systems out there that are switching up to 16 different lighting scenes without any problems for several years now. One of the major problems that I see with this gear is that it is available to the general public (either on-line or in stores such as Radio Shack) and as such are either improperly installed or installed in the wrong application.
Hope this helps.
Gold Star Electric