230.67(B) Exception allows connection at the first downstream panel. But as Larry indicated, you are going to need to connect it thru a breaker due to lug listing issues even it it is a Type 1.If the home has a main breaker disconnect. can the SPD be located down stream at subpanel or does it need to be located at service equipment if so can I just land the surge protector under load side terminals with feeder?
230.67(B) Exception allows connection at the first downstream panel. But as Larry indicated, you are going to need to connect it thru a breaker due to lug listing issues even it it is a Type 1.
To protect from outside surges, at the service; from internal surges, closest to the protected equipment.
The best protection is cascaded; hard-wired at service and plug-in or hard-wired nearest point of use.
This is the conventional wisdom. I don't know how true it is. It makes sense but I don't know if there is any actual science to support the idea that one gets any substantial extra protection from multiple layers of SPD. Most electronics these days has already been hardened against surges already. Not sure what you gain by adding another layer.
Yes. whole house warranty is only good if you have additional protection at the equipment.Also, read the fine print in protected-equipment warranties.