Whole House Surge Protection

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I lived in new Mexico for a number of years and we had some serious lightning issues and lost several appliances. I finally installed surege protectors in my Square D panel. they plugged right on a 2P breaker space and connected to the ground bar. Did not have any problems afterward. They have lights on them and if they go out you have to replace them. Don't recall the model number but you could easily google them.
Mike Holt has said:
"more is better"
"you get what you pay for"

What I recommend is a whole house surge protector (Type 2), expect to pay about $300, this gets mounted at the panel. Keep the lead length as short as possible, no loops
Then point of use devices at TVs, computers, (Type 3)
What you are doing is knocking down the surge at the service and using the impedance of the building wiring to lower the surge before it gets to the type 3 device.
Leviton has an excellent catalog "Surge Protective Devices", see if your wholesale house can get you a copy.

Bills suggestion of a CB type SPD is fine, and a good start. But there is not a lot of protection in a CB. However it has 0 lead length so performance is good.
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