If literature for a circuit breaker says it is suitable for 75 deg only - why would it not be suitable for 60 deg?
Maybe I am misunderstanding something but why would it not be suitable for the lower temp?
15-20A tandem ... are suitable for use with 60 or 75. 25-50A tandem are suitable for use with 75 deg only. ????
15-30A breakers are suitable for use with 60 or 75 conductors. 40-125 are suitable with 75 conductors. ????
Maybe I am misunderstanding something but why would it not be suitable for the lower temp?
15-20A tandem ... are suitable for use with 60 or 75. 25-50A tandem are suitable for use with 75 deg only. ????
15-30A breakers are suitable for use with 60 or 75 conductors. 40-125 are suitable with 75 conductors. ????