(90-degree rated wire installed on 75-degree terminations can use the 90-degree column ampacity for the correction factor calculation)
how many amps can run through seven-#1 rhh conductors when installed in rmc to an outdoor panel with 75-degree celsius temperature ratings where the ambient temperature is 88 degrees fahrenheit?
I know the answer is 97.44 Amps
I got this by
Step 1
#1 RHH is 145 amps table 310.16 (b)
Step 2
Adjustment factor for more than three current-carrying conductors
7-9 70% table 310.15(B)(3)(a)
Step 3
Ambient factor
table 310.15(b)(1)(1)
Column 90 C
Step 4 math
145 amps X 70% X 0.96
97.44 amps
My question is why I need select the 0.96 from Column 90 C, and not 0.94 from Column 75 C from table table 310.15(b)(1)(1)
When the the panel is installed at 75 C temperature ?
how many amps can run through seven-#1 rhh conductors when installed in rmc to an outdoor panel with 75-degree celsius temperature ratings where the ambient temperature is 88 degrees fahrenheit?
I know the answer is 97.44 Amps
I got this by
Step 1
#1 RHH is 145 amps table 310.16 (b)
Step 2
Adjustment factor for more than three current-carrying conductors
7-9 70% table 310.15(B)(3)(a)
Step 3
Ambient factor
table 310.15(b)(1)(1)
Column 90 C
Step 4 math
145 amps X 70% X 0.96
97.44 amps
My question is why I need select the 0.96 from Column 90 C, and not 0.94 from Column 75 C from table table 310.15(b)(1)(1)
When the the panel is installed at 75 C temperature ?