Why wye-wye?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Semi-Retired Electrical Engineer
A client told me today that, in a meeting, the utility representative stated that they want the service transformers (step-down from MV to 480/277) to be configured Wye-Wye. Can you give me a good reason for this?
Here is an older thread that touches on this topic.

A client told me today that, in a meeting, the utility representative stated that they want the service transformers (step-down from MV to 480/277) to be configured Wye-Wye. Can you give me a good reason for this?
single core units or multi core units?

Around here the pole top banks made from multiple units is generally wye-wye or wye-delta.

Single core units usually have a delta primary AFAIK.
A client told me today that, in a meeting, the utility representative stated that they want the service transformers (step-down from MV to 480/277) to be configured Wye-Wye. Can you give me a good reason for this?
I would not be surprised to find that at least 75% of utility connections are Wye primaries for new installations. For sure they are more common than delta connections.
A client told me today that, in a meeting, the utility representative stated that they want the service transformers (step-down from MV to 480/277) to be configured Wye-Wye. Can you give me a good reason for this?
I just specked out three 5MVA wye-wye transformers.
These were 25 kv to 12 kV.
We can backfeed a line with them from either side of our supply
Utilities around here are backing away from ungrounded delta secondaries (after substations). Statement from one lineman was a safety concern for the lineman.
The grounded wye - grounded wye configuration is relatively immune from ferroresonance issues and is generally trouble-free for most commercial and light industrial services. It is universally used out here in the PNW by virtually all utilities that I'm aware of. Ground fault coordination is generally not a big concern. This configuration is, at least in theory, less costly since the insulation can be graded on both windings.
Ungrounded wyes are actually problematic, so I think you almost always see them as grounded wye -> grounded wye. There's that famous old paper "The whys of the wyes" you can Google and pull it right up.
You mean the one in post #7?