Wifi receptacle outlet

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Senior Member
Suffolk, Long Island
Can someone please recommend a simple wifi receptacle outlet. I need to be able to cut power to the receptacle outlet that my lawn sprinkler time clock is plugged into in case of rain if i am not home. I heard the rain sensors are hit or miss, so just looking for a receptacle that can easily be turned off. There are a lot of available wifi receptacles so I am not sure which one to get, so i was wondering if anyone had experience using one that they can recommend. It needs to be able to be operated outside the home wifi network as well. I figured this would be the cheapest and easiest way until i do more research on the "lono" time clock since it is so new and does not have any reviews. Thanks.

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The Link protocol light bulbs and switched outlets talk to a Bluetooth or similar protocol router which in turn connects via WiFi to your local network and to the internet.
In theory you can view the status and control the switches from anywhere in the world.
Not cheap though.
Nest offers similar functions.
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