wifi reception


Senior Member
Renton, WA
EE, power electronics specialty
I should know this but dont

Zosi security cameras, cat5 cables works perfectly, disconnect cable to see wht wifi range is, 300+ feet at night.

During day, dead or intermittent. At 2.4 GHz, sure is not ionospere effects.

Suspect that the Zosi security system wifi receivers cannot discriminate after about 5AM (but still dark) as the local airwaves become more saturated.

Any better explanation? feeling stupid as have not done much wifi rcv/xmit work or other RF above UHF.
No, that's pretty much it... 5a is when the earliest birds start rising and doing their thing. If you have an Android-based phone, there are apps you can use that'll passively scan the airwaves and show you which channels are being used by what access points and their relative signal strength, so by hopping around you may be able to find a lane that's a little less congested. Apple, sadly, does not allow similar apps on iOS.
That' most likely to be device saturation in general; as more devices show up and try to connect to something, they send out beacons looking for access points. Remember, there are only 14 channels in that band and a device will spread over 5 of them.

What can you do? One thing is set the AP's channel to something other than 1/6/11, another is to turn off "SSID announcement" so incoming devices don't see it and try to connect.

For Android apps, check out WiFiMan from Ubiquity and "WiFi Analyzer" from VREM, both are free.
Thanks guys, i ordered another 1000 ft of 5e cable... and another 20 gal of diesel for the backhoe :giggle:

Like ya guys said, saturation and congestion the answer. I had tried a corner reflector antenna and a helix antenna during the day also, no connection even though signal strength showed 2 bars.
Thanks guys, i ordered another 1000 ft of 5e cable... and another 20 gal of diesel for the backhoe :giggle:

WiFi includes an internal hidden function to detect how important the usage is, and act accordingly; if casual, all is fine but if mission critical, LET'S HAVE PHUN!

You may do better with 5GHz or the new 6GHz bands; they have a lot more space.

I've always strung CAT-something or now fiber; I've never recommended "mesh" systems. That said, a ISP-owning friend now swears by the EERO 6-Plus [not 6, not pro] system for residential users; he'd deployed over 100 sets. But not the 7 as its power consumption is double that of the 6.