wind direction

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i have one doubt in refinery or petroleum industries their wind direction flag,what its use,and how to escape in case emergency condition ,how to refer the wind flag,any one clear the doubt.
by sivaji
Re: wind direction

Do you work in this industry? If so, isn't this issue apart of the training and safety program? Even sub-contractors are trained on these and other safety issues before permitted to start work. :eek:
Re: wind direction

You have raised an excellent question about wind direction. It reminded me of my first days as an electrical apprenice in a large chemical plant.
The first rule when we went on a job, was to check for the wind direction, and I can tell you from experience that it is a good rule to follow.
You do not have time to find a wind sock and determine which way that the wind is blowing. I might add, I did not walk, we ran, and I was always out in front. This situation happened two times in my long career.
Re: wind direction

I also have worked in a chemical plant. While working on the outside we had a caulk sock on our tool pouch and if we hear the horn or some one yelled then we RUN don?t walk away from the caulk.

In two years I only had to run one time. After it was over and I found out that it was a false alarm the plant manger tried to get me to try out for the Olympia.
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