Wire Derating, Generator Service

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Senior Member
Good afternoon.

We added a generator to a house in which we showed (2) sets of 3/0 in two separate 2" conduits fed from a 400A CB on the generator. The electrician installed all these in (1) 3" pipe rather then (2) 2" but he forgot to de-rate them accordingly (80 % for 6 conductors) so the inspector is giving him a problem. The load is approximately 317 amps so 317A * 0.8 = 254 amps which would mean we would need a 300A CB but this would be less then the calculated load. Does anyone have any suggestions here? Anything I am missing?

We usually dont put more then three current carrying conductors in a conduit on the design side so I dont have to derate too often. Maybe there is a hidden rule I am missing here?
If they used a 90 degree C #3/0 conductor such as THWN-2 then the derating would be 225 * 2 * 80% = 360 amps.
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