Wire gauge for new 200amp Service Panel

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My wife and I purchased a cabin in GA. and have been steadily remodeling it. This will make my fourth home renovation. Everything about this cabin defied electrical code. It was a disaster. The cabin presently has an older 100amp service panel that was overloaded, splices in the breaker panel and multiple loads on single line circuits. I ripped all that out and cleaned it up, but after adding room additions both to the cabin and a separate garage and workshop not yet in use, I both needed and decided to update the electrical with a new 200amp panel, 30 - 60. I've built an add-on mud room so I could also place the new panel opposite the original using the backside of the wall and refrain from needing a junction box and the fact that the original panel does not have proper clearance availability at all so simply putting the new panel where the original is now wouldn't meet code.

I met with a power company design engineer and we agreed that a new meter box and disconnect, presently located opposite the old 100amp panel on the cabin needed to be on the garage because of pending roofline considerations and other issues. I am trenching 24" using schedule 80 PVC conduit from the new 200 breaker panel at the cabin to the power company-supplied meter box to be attached to the garage. Above the meter box, I've purchased 2" rigid pipe, porcelain feeder support clamp and rigid weather head at code height with metal roof flash kit, all clamped where required with a standard 3' of feeders for the power company connect.

My questions, finally, are:

1) I want to use 4/0 4/0 2/0 AL feeders from the new meter box to the new 200amp panel and wanted to confirm with folks here that it was plenty sufficient for 200 amp service requirements. Since the power company uses AL, I thought it would be okay to use AL in my conduit to the new panel as well.

2) The old 100 amp service and electrical wiring is the old style 2-wire neutral-ground combined. When I rewired all the present and additional pending loads, I used the ground wire either available on the existing Romex or added Romex when wiring all loads but left the panel as it was for the time being. When the new panel is installed, can I now simply separate my neutral and ground circuits on the new 200 amp panel and have proper grounded circuits at all my loads? I also bought a new full length copper grounding rod and #10 green stranded ground for panel to ground to replace the original, a meter rigid conduit ring to be grounded with a new ground rod at the garage as well with #10 stranded, meter box to ground rod and once again at the workshop panel using the same grounding procedure but separate rod due to location. I added plug-on whole house surge protection 52k for the new panel as well. All of that sound okay or any recommendations/corrections? Power company needs to inspect before connecting so anything I need to do otherwise will save time.

Thanks in advance
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