Wire pulling knot know how?

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United States
When you have a long wire pull and are re-rigging your pulling set up (no tugger available :(), what knot do you tie to the pull line to keep the tension on the pull rope while you reset (so that you don't slip backwards from the stretch)? Rolling hitch? Some version of a taut line hitch? One that is quick to tie, and easy to untie would be great!
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Situations like these are perfect for a prussik knot:


Easy to tie and untie, and grabs well. The only issue you may have is if you are using a polypropylene pull rope. Polypro rope is so slick, the prussik won't grab well.

Prussik knots work well when the knot loop is significantly smaller than the rope it's grabbing. Head to a climbing store and pick up some 4mm accessory cord.


Tie it into a loop using a double fisherman's knot:


Or head to the same climbing store and look at "ascenders" which are mechanical replacements for the traditional prussik knots.
They are designed for climbing rope with a smooth outer shell and may or may not work well with simple laid or braided ropes though.
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