If the loads are less than 60 amps (which appears to be likely, given your description of a 60 amp feeder breaker), and if you are using a wire with a rating of 75C or higher (which we don't know, because you didn't tell us what wire you planned to use), then a #6 has sufficient ampacity to handle the load. For a 200 foot run, I calculated a voltage drop of just under 3 per cent. That is right at the edge of what good design practice would consider acceptable.
So this is a design choice on your part. Do you consider "just good enough" to be good enough for your application? Is this equipment really going to run at full load very often? Would it be a problem for your equipment if it only received 97% of rated voltage? Is the usual voltage value seen at this site generally low to begin with, so that an additional 3% VD would be too much?
Welcome to the forum.