steam unit name plate : 38 Amp @240 V
What is my wire and breaker size?
Plot twist, the appliance is 400' from the panel.
my question is: do I have to calculate the 125% or it is calculated by the manufacture and it is included with the name plate data?
Plot twist, the appliance is 400' from the panel.
Plot twist, the appliance is 400' from the panel.
Don't confuse anyone here into thinking a "double adjustment" is needed.The 125% for continuous will not be included in the nameplate current listing.
If an appliance lists a minimum circuit ampacity instead, I would expect that to take into consideration the 125%. But keep in mind that "continuous" adjustments for branches and feeders generally do not apply to motor loads.
Also for a single load on a branch breaker you may need to consider the 80% of rating rule.