Wire Sizing for Microhydro turbine installation

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I am working on a microhydro project for a gentleman in Western NC. He would like to use a turbine that produces 1200 watts at 440 volts AC (2.7 amps). This AC power is not of a consistent frequency.

The problem with the wire run is that it must cover 2200' of distance (4400 round trip). I am not sure how I should adjust my typical calculations for this long run. I am concerned about impedance and reactive currents. I have determined that a 10 AWG will give me a loss of less than 3% and am wondering if I can get any confirmation on this calculation.

Thank you very much for any help.

Michael Dooraghi
Re: Wire Sizing for Microhydro turbine installation

I show about 3% for #10 also. (#10 has an alternating-current resistance of approx. 1.2 ohms/kft.)
Re: Wire Sizing for Microhydro turbine installation

What is the highest frequency it will produce? The formula you and Brian used is probably for 60 Hz. If the turbine produced, just for example, 1000Hz, you may have a problem.

Re: Wire Sizing for Microhydro turbine installation

I checked on the turbine and its output will be at most around 75 hertz. So I am feeling pretty comfortable with the 10 AWG.


Michael Dooraghi

[ January 24, 2006, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: mojisimo ]
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