I'm attempting to wire a 40a circuit from a residence to a detached garage. The circuit is 75' long and will be enclosed in RNC for a 35' distance. It appears that I should use a #8 wire for ampacity and voltage drop constraints at 240v. However I want to provide two 20a 120v circuits in the garage.
The hot wires for this circuit will be connected to opposite legs of the incoming service, and each to a separate 20a breaker in the garage. I want to be clear that the neutral wire is correctly sized in the event of unbalanced 120v loads, which will be the normal case. I think it won't be an issue since I'm connecting to opposite legs of the incoming service, but I want to be sure.
Thanks for your help.
The hot wires for this circuit will be connected to opposite legs of the incoming service, and each to a separate 20a breaker in the garage. I want to be clear that the neutral wire is correctly sized in the event of unbalanced 120v loads, which will be the normal case. I think it won't be an issue since I'm connecting to opposite legs of the incoming service, but I want to be sure.
Thanks for your help.