Larry Diamond

New User
Galax, VA
Maintenance Dept
I am looking for a way to trace about 200 conductors in an assembly line. Does anyone know of any meters that can trace a conductor in metal conduit? The situation is

I need to trace these conductors as they are in control cabinets, wire way, and conduits. Please send me any advice that you might have on this matter

Thank you,

Larry Diamond
I have my dads 60 year old wire tracer meter that has 11 test leads and can trace 10 wires at a clip. Forget the make and have not used it in over 30 years. If you have to trace large # of wires you could make your own. Maybe use 10 ohm resistors in series and attach test probe wire with an alligator clip on end and mark every test lead. If test probe wire was connected between the 9th & 10th resistor would provide 90 ohms and mark it with a 9 or the designated marking at both ends. Hopefully wires being tested will all have less then 2 to 3 ohms resistance. Just use a good digital meter to read resistance readings. In other words if you still are using a Simpson 260 analog leave it home.
Will you be tracing them point to point live? If over 9 volts, the Amprobe Pasar current tracer is the most accurate of any tracer out there. I can pull a single conductor out of a large bundle with 99% accuracy. But the conductor has to be live.