wires near a sink

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timothy brooks

New member
ok i work @ taco bell till im 18 then im goin 2 work maintanice and i was wonderin is it against the code book 2 have wires exposed right next to their dish washer wish there isn't a top 2 it its just an open dishwasher and it overflowes all the time and i thought it was a hazard and i was just being sure
Welcome to the Forum, Timothy. :)

Your question reminds me of my beginning years when I was full of newly learned knowledge and trying to understand what I saw around me in the light of that knowledge.

Do you have a copy of the Code to work with, yet?

When one is learning to become an electrician, it is never too early to get your own copy of the Code.

As to your question. . .I'm not clear about what you are describing, but I'll assume you are looking at a junction box, either in the wall or on the surface of the wall, that is missing a cover.

Read 2005 NEC 314.25
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