wiring around pool area

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Senior Member
North Carolina
I've got an outlet that needs to be installed on a fence that surrounds the pool. A trench is going to have to be dug to get to it. Is there a requirement that says you have to use pvc, etc. or can UF cable be used, if it is away from the pool? Thanks, still looking, but thought I'd ask just in case I get interrupted before I find it.
I've got an outlet that needs to be installed on a fence that surrounds the pool. A trench is going to have to be dug to get to it. Is there a requirement that says you have to use pvc, etc. or can UF cable be used, if it is away from the pool? Thanks, still looking, but thought I'd ask just in case I get interrupted before I find it.
Also, it's been a while since I hooked up a double pole GFCI breaker for a pump motor. Since the motor does not have a neutral, I'm thinking the neutral from the breaker just hooks up to the ground bar and 2 hots to the breaker and that's it. Obviously that's all that can be done. I'm assuming the breaker of course will trip as designed. Sorry for the probably "stupid" question, but "head" not working too good this morning.
You are correct just hook the white wire from the dp gfci onto the neutral bar and that's it.

There should be no reason to run pvc or any conduit for as receptacle outdoors. How far away is the receptacle from the inside wall of the pool?
680.11 gives the requirements for underground wiring unless there is an exception somewhere else. I'm still looking. Looks like UF is not an accepted wiring method to an outlet. But I guess this is talking about wiring for the pool itself not necessarily an outlet?
Also, it's been a while since I hooked up a double pole GFCI breaker for a pump motor. Since the motor does not have a neutral, I'm thinking the neutral from the breaker just hooks up to the ground bar and 2 hots to the breaker and that's it. Obviously that's all that can be done. I'm assuming the breaker of course will trip as designed. Sorry for the probably "stupid" question, but "head" not working too good this morning.
Breaker neutral needs to connect to Neutral (grounded) not Grounding bar.
Ok, thanks. That's what I thought. Do you have any input as far as the UF cable for the outlet. Is it alright to run UF in a ditch as long as the ditch is 6ft. away from the pool? Still not finding what I want in the Code. Only 680.11 in the 2017 code. Thanks
Ok, I think I saw my answer about the UF in a drawing in the 2017 Handbook. Looks like as long as it is 6ft. away from the pool, UF can be used for a "general purpose" outlet.
Exhibit 680.6
To be on the safe side I would run it by your inspector. Since the receptacle falls within the 20' boundary addressed in 680.22, the AHJ may say 680.11 applies and UF is not shown as acceptable there.
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