Termination Ratings
As discussed above, terminations have a temperature rating that must beobserved and this has implications on permissible conductor temperaturerating and ampacity. Shown below are three common termination ratings andthe rules. Remember, from the example above, the conductor ampacity mayalso have to be derated due to ambient, conduit fill or other reasons.
Can use 60°C, 75°C, 90°C or higher temperaturerated conductor, but the ampacity of the conductormust be based as if conductor is rated 60°C.
Can use 75°C, 90°C or higher temperature ratedconductor, but the ampacity of the conductor must bebased as if conductor is rated 75°C. A 60°Cconductor not permitted to be used.
Dual temperature rated termination. Can use either60°C conductors at 60°C ampacity or 75°Cconductors at 75°C ampacity. If 90°C or higher temperaturerated conductor is used, the ampacity of theconductor must be based as if conductor is rated75°C.