I made a series of demo videos showing what happens when you wire mismatched solar panels in various configurations. I'm now trying to explain the "why" behind what we saw. I thought some of you folks here would be able to give me the mathematical or scientific reasoning. I'm cool with the bottle neck that was created with trying to wire two panels with different current in series. What I'm trying to explain is why when two different voltage solar panels are wired in parallel, the voltage from the higher voltage panel was pulled down to the lower voltage panel. I read one place that said the lower voltage panels' cells became reversed biased, and so basically the solar panel became a resistor. But is that the full story? When two batteries of different voltages are wired in parallel, the higher voltage charges the lower voltage one, equalizing them. Would it be the same reasoning, with current flowing from high to low voltage? I'm sure Ohm's Law is involved, but haven't nailed down what formula explains it. Anyone want to take a shot at explaining it in layman's terms? Thanks.
Here goes:
The solar cell (and the combination of cells in series to make a panel) can be modeled as a diode plus a voltage source (powered by sunlight) which has a maximum voltage almost independent of light level and a maximum current which is proportional to the light level.
With no load the panel produces the open circuit voltage, Voc, but no current and so no power.
With a short circuit the panel produces the short circuit current, Isc, but no voltage and so no power.
In between those two extremes is a point where the panel produces its maximum power, Vmp times Imp.
If you put two panels with different voltages in parallel and try to maximize the combined power output you will drag the voltage of the higher voltage panel down below Vmp and get less than its maximum contribution. if the two panels are close enough in voltage the operating point will be somewhere between the low Vmp and the high Vmp and the total power will be more than either panel alone but less than the sum of the two at their individual optimum.
When you put two panels with different current specs in series it is more complicated. Attempting to drive more than Isc through a panel will cause a resistive power loss in the cells and heat the panel. Too much forced current will damage the panel by heat or by exceeding the breakdown voltage of the diode. Either is bad, so all commercial panels also contain bypass diodes which are connected around subgroups of the series string. When you try to force current through the string the bypass diodes become forward biased and conduct, protecting the cells.
The power output from that panel then becomes zero (actually a small loss because of the voltage drop in the bypass diodes.)
So the device connected to the string (MPPT input) will end up drawing either the Imp of the higher current panel with no contribution from the other if the mismatch is large enough OR drawing a current between Imp of one panel and Imp of the other and seeing a lower voltage from the panel which is being overcurrented. Again the the total power MAY be more than either panel alone but less than the sum of the two at their individual optimum. But it also could be a little less than the output power of the higher current panel. Worse than if you used it alone.
I will not try to show the calculations, but the rule of thumb is that if you put two panels with less than 5% difference in voltage in parallel the output will be within a percent or so of the sum of the two rated outputs.
Same thing if you put two panels with current ratings within 5% of each other.
Outside the 5% range you need to look more closely at your requirements to decide whether to try to add mismatched panels or not.
A solar panel is not a voltage source like a battery is. It is a current source (with a non-flat current versus voltage curve). Any analogy to parallel batteries will just get you into trouble and prevent a proper understanding.
Ohms law is not a great help either since the solar cell is a non-linear device, where R is not constant but depends on the operating point.