Wisconsin Journeyman's Test

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New User
Happy Spring (even though it is still cold!).

With no local test prep class over the summer, I am looking at doing an online test prep.

1.) What prep program do y'all recommend?

2.) Any tips for the Wisconsin test?

I appreciate it!
I just took the Wi, masters test on Wednesday. If it is anything like the masters test, the Mike holt exam prep and the tom Henery exam prep are very useful tools. Also, Wetc wielectrictrades.com puts on a good 2-day exam prep course in different parts of the state. Get a Tom Henery key word index it is extremely helpfull.
I'm set up to take the Master exam later this year. Of course it is an "open book" exam. Does that mean I can bring anything I like with me? Notes, The Exam Prep book? A marked up NEC Code book with inserted pages? I know that only a basic calculator is permitted, but any other restrictions?
https://dsps.wi.gov/Pages/Professions/TradesExaminationInformation.aspx You can bring all of the items listed above.
  • Reference materials - The exam is an open book exam and reference material that are bound together are allowed into the exam. If you have notes or loose leaf paper that you want to bring into the exam make sure that they are put into a binder to be code compliant. There is no limitation on the amount of Highlight or Ink marks on your reference material, just that the reference material you bring should be bound together.
  • Also keep in mid the test is 50 questions and you get 4 hours. I put ear plugs in, and it helped block out all the page turning and some distractions. 4 hours will fly by.
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