I am replying to my own post here, simply because I see people are taking a look at it. I am hoping the zero replies is due to the fact that zero people who looked at the post have recently taken the WI Master Electrician Exam. For anyone that may have the same question that I had, I just took the WI Master Exam this past Wednesday. Roughly 75 percent of the exam I received was calculations based. Half of the 75 percent were 2 step processes, with the other half being single step. The other roughly 25 percent of questions were code reference questions, which, were made more difficult by the question giving you 4 options and you having to figure out the one out of the 4 that is either true or false with regard to the question being asked. A lot of motor calc questions, rec vehicle park questions, closet lighting requirements, new construction lighting/receptacle load calcs in different spaces with number of receptacle known vs. unknown, etc...study up on your calcs! Hope this helps someone!