With in 12" of box

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Senior Member
I'm wiring a pole barn and running 3/4 conduit and metal boxes . The beams are 8 feet apart and I mounting a box on every other one, 3 screws per box. Do I still need to support conduit within 12". There is nothing to support to.
I'm wiring a pole barn and running 3/4 conduit and metal boxes . The beams are 8 feet apart and I mounting a box on every other one, 3 screws per box. Do I still need to support conduit within 12". There is nothing to support to.

You don't get to avoid the rules because there is nothing existing to support it to. You would need to add something.
One option is to come out of the box parallel to the beams for 12" or so and make a 90 over to the next beam with a box then add another 90-- More pipe and wire -- not sure if that is cheaper than adding a support or not
3' is the general rule but there is this exception

358.30 Securing and Supporting. EMT shall be installed as a
complete system in accordance with 300.18 and shall be
securely fastened in place and supported in accordance with
358.30(A) and (B).

(A) Securely Fastened. EMT shall be securely fastened in
place at intervals not to exceed 3 m (10 ft). In addition, each
EMT run between termination points shall be securely fastened
within 900 mm (3 ft) of each outlet box, junction box, device
box, cabinet, conduit body, or other tubing termination.

Exception No. 1: Fastening of unbroken lengths shall be permitted to be
increased to a distance of 1.5 m (5 ft) where structural members do not
readily permit fastening within 900 mm (3 ft).
That 5 foot exception comes in handy on many metal frame buildings where purlins often are no more than 5 feet apart, but OP is out of luck with 8 feet to nearest framing member and needs to provide something to support and would need to be within 3 feet. small block of wood fastened to the post the box is fastened to will satisfy code even if the first support is only an inch from the box even if it seems somewhat pointless.
Use box support brackets this can be mounted to the box before it is installed

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We call them Fake Caddys or Miracle Bars. I have no idea how those things are legal but we have been slapping them in everywhere.
They technically meet code, reality is the raceway likely is supporting the strap more so than the strap is supporting the raceway.

similar issue occurs when you have say a 4 inch rigid nipple between two cabinets, say 4 feet long and you have a "picky inspector" that says it must have a support. Adding a strap there does meet the wording of the code, but reality is that strap is supported by that 4 inch nipple much more so than the strap is providing any support to the nipple.
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