When working on an arc flash study, sometimes, I get a delayed or no response from the utility company and, sometimes, I get the "infinite bus" calculation from the utility company, which I can calculate myself so it's useless. Either way, when I lack genuine utility data, how do I model the infinite bus assumption in SKM? The infinite bus assumption, as I understand it, is the current a transformer will output on the secondary when an infinite amount of current is present on the primary.
As I see it, I can model this two different ways: (1) with the utility transformer in the model and an extremely high contribution from the utility and (2) excluding the transformer and modeling a utility that contributes the equivalent as the transformer would at infinite bus. Which method is preferable and what values would I input in SKM? (see screenshots)

As I see it, I can model this two different ways: (1) with the utility transformer in the model and an extremely high contribution from the utility and (2) excluding the transformer and modeling a utility that contributes the equivalent as the transformer would at infinite bus. Which method is preferable and what values would I input in SKM? (see screenshots)