within sight disconnect

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long island, ny
We're installing a 400 amp duct heater in an already overcrowded mechanical room. The heater control panel did not come with its own means of disconnect which means I have to install a disconnect as the Electrical distribution room is hundreds of feet away.
The electrical engineer claims I don't have to install the disconnect within sight of the unit as long as it has a lockout capability.
I disagree. I'm claiming the disconnect needs to be within sight of the heater control cabinet.
Are there exemptions to this code requirement that I'm unaware of?
thanks for any help you can provide.
If I'm reading 424.65 and 424.19(A) correctly it appears that the key is the presence or absence of a unit disconnects. If there is no unit disconnect, the primary disconnect must be in sight. If there are unit disconnects switches, the prime disconnect needs only to be lockable.
If I'm reading 424.65 and 424.19(A) correctly it appears that the key is the presence or absence of a unit disconnects. If there is no unit disconnect, the primary disconnect must be in sight. If there are unit disconnects switches, the prime disconnect needs only to be lockable.

I read it differently, may also be incorrect, As I see it if there are no disconnects and the primary disconnect is not in sight of, the primary disconnect needs the ability of being locked in the open (off) position. Locking the primary OCPD is not needed if there are disconnecting means within sight of unit
I'm doing a bit of assuming. With a 400 amp disconnect, 424.22 means there would be supplemental overcurrent, so 424.19(A), I believe, would be the appropriate Article.
Duct heater would be no motor, so 424.19(A)(1). 424.(A) requires disconnecting means in sight of the supplemental OCP. To me, if there are unit switches, the switch can be out of sight and lockable, if there are no unit switches, it must be in sight.
But as I said, that's my read. Yours may be more correct. We will see if anyone else has input.
okay I'll assume with you :)

if it has no motor then 424.19(B)1 would probably be the right read

Without Motor or with Motor Not over 1/8 Horsepower
my typing skills are not impressive:ashamed1: so I'll let the OP read it:happyyes:
Besides basketball game coming on soon
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