Work Outlook?

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new jersey
just wondering, are the rest of you are seeing a slow down? i had a slow spring, summer was busy, last couple weeks very few calls. my local supplier also having slow days.
what do the rest of you do, to drum up business during slow spells? it allways seems to be feast or famine in this game.
I noticed the same thing, it seems like at the beginning of last week the phone calls quieted right down. Beginning of school year? I have a backlog of work that should take me through the month so I am not real concerned, but it is interesting how things pick up and slow down so quickly. Actually, I have a question, how many phone calls a day (or week) does your company typically average?
work outlook

work outlook

in response to bobbyho, aside from two small builders, i get between 4 to 6 service calls/ estimates a week.
This year has been up and down for me. Jan-Mar were dreadfully slow. April and May were pretty busy, and June was OK. July was dead. August was busy, and September is looking like it will be fairly busy, too. I haven't done anything different in terms of marketing, so I have no idea why things are so up and down.
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