110.26.(A)(3) states "other equipment that isassociated with the electrical installation and is located above or below the electrical equipment shall bepermitted to extend no more than 6 in. beyond the front of the electrical equipment. Theassociated commentary references electrical equipment above or below anduses an example of a 12x12 wireway and the 2017 edition exhibits aninstallation where the wireway is below a panelboard. Art. 100 definesEquipment: a general term, including fittings, devices, appliances, luminaires,apparatus, machinery, and the like used as a part of, or in connection with,and electrical installation. Do the references contained in the definition ofequipment pertain to only electrical equipment? If the intent is onlyassociated electrical equipment, why would it be any more detrimental to aworker’s safety to have something associated that is non-electrical occupy thesame intrusion into the work space?