Working clearance in front of apartment meter pack?

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Senior Member
Multifamily apartment complex meter pack to be mounted on one wall with a brick(?) wall across from it (like a walkway, but it will be gated). We are trying to negotiate the wall finishes in this area to make sure there is adequate clearance. Using brick behind the meter pack and also on the facing wall may not allow enough clearance.

110.26(A)(1), Table 110.26(A)(1), Condition 2. 120/240V single phase service.

The required clearance is 3 feet = 36"

How is that 36" clearance normally interpreted/measured?

From the front of the metal meter pack cover to the opposite wall, or from the front of the plug-in meter face to the wall?

110.26(A)(3), Exception No. 2 makes me think that it should be measured from the front of the metal meter pack cover to the opposite wall, but I want to know if any of you guys are required to do something different.

110.26(A)(3), Exception No. 2 makes me think that it should be measured from the front of the metal meter pack cover to the opposite wall, but I want to know if any of you guys are required to do something different.


That would be my interpretation.
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