In order to help some to understand that safety really is important, I am going to relate a story about my recent (2 weeks ago) panel work.
I was hired to perform some testing in a small (2-800 amp) gears. I had all of the good stuff, blankets, tools, gloves, protective equipment, etc.... The power was to stay on as the testing was for voltage and current. That is very hard to test if the power is turned off
Well I do the whole set up thing, and the contractor thinks I am nuts. I will not even let his electrician near the work, as he has no protective equipment.
As I am putting on my gloves, I remember to remove my wedding ring. I put it in the pocket of my Fluke tool bag.
About 3 hours later, I am finished. I am putting all of my tools away and I am now looking for my ring, of course I forgot where I left it and in a small panic have I enlisted the factory people to help me scour the floors for the "missing" ring. Finally after going over in my mind how to fabricate a story to tell my wife I lost the ring, I remembered where the ring was.
Moral of the story. Put the ring somewhere where you will remember and do not make an a$$ out of yourself. Wait, I forgot...yes, safety is that important.:wink: