working platform?

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Senior Member
recently had to provide a "working platform " to raise tthe floor height to meet 6 7 breaker height rule. Inspector said that the platform had to be at least 36 inches deep and 30 inches wide. I used a 2x4 box with a plywood top an nailed it to the floor to get the 2.5 inches required to meet the code. The question is where in the code is the dimension of the so called working platform discussed. I find so far no reference to this.Is this just his made up requirement or is there actually a spec in the code for this? he also said " It must be permanent" . I used z macz to nail it thru plates screwed to the bottom concealed so they cant be removed. It passed just fine and he was pleased with how it was done. But can anyone tell me where he got his specifications and requirements that it be permanent?


Staff member
Re: working platform?

Originally posted by stew:
The question is where in the code is the dimension of the so called working platform discussed. I find so far no reference to this.Is this just his made up requirement or is there actually a spec in the code for this?
That is the dimension of the work space requirements in 110.26

He may be pushing things by saying it must be permanent but its not a bad idea.


Senior Member
Re: working platform?

I have had to make bigger ones to satisfy poco rules. Mostly to level sloping terrain at the meter. I just consider it to be part of the job, much the same as leveling and grading is part of the job for the foundation masons.
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