Working Space/Accessibility

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I have to replace a panel in a laundry room because the customers insurance company won't insure them with an FPE panel. It's flush mounted above/behind the dryer. The dryer can be moved to work on the panel and the breakers can be operated without a ladder or climbing on the dryer. Do you think that the inspector will accept that?
I my area, they (inspectors) would not like it, doesnt mean HO wont add anything later either
Ca it be moved out from infront of panel and not move back?
just re-read 110.26 , seems pretty black and white on space around electrical equipment
what about an exterior panel using the old panel for junction box?
Relocating would be pricey. Not a good time for the homeowner in that regard. She really can't afford it, but the insurance company will cancel her if she doesn't do it. If she loses the insurance.................
I was thinking to tell her to get the dryer out of there for the inspection, but I'm sure the inspector would be able to figure that out.
I know it's not my problem, but that's the way I work.
I try to do what's in my customers best interest, and making sure an electrician can work on the panel without pushing the dryer out of the way? C'mon, how often do we have to move things to get at a panel?
i have done the "get the dryer out of there for the inspection" i knew he knew, he knew i knew he knew, we talked about the situation and basically told him the new service is far better than the old one,
he passed it and went our separate ways,
but all my inspectors have been in the field... they know,
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