Working space

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Attached sketch shows electrical room with 800A meter stack with 800A main breaker.
Its 208V three phase. The electric room is going to be brand new and its at plan review stage.

I was wondering does would condition #1 exposed live parts one side and no live or grounded parts on table 110.26(A)(1) would apply where in sketch it is shown 16 inches or any other rule in NEC 2017 apply So basically their one would have to provide 3 feet clearance instead of 16 inches. Can anyone know or help?

Th working space is for the front of the meter stack unless it requires access on the end (which it most likely does not). If it did then you cannot put the two of them next to each other. Since no working space is required on the end the 16" dimension is not relevant to the working space.
similar to your earlier post, same answer
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