Working spaces.

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Senior Member
Hi everyone and ty again in advance for all the input I'm looking over a job where I have to panels located under a set of steps. Correct me if I'm wrong but u do believe as long as I keep the 6 1/2 foot head space clearance I'm good I have 2 questions.
For argument sakes let's say the two panels equal a working with of 30"
To my knowledge i am only required to provide that 6 1/2 feet head clreance within in that space or does it need to be the whole room
And part 2 of my question. What section should I be looking in regards to panelboards next to other utilities I.e gas meters or water meters or is that a question for the ahj
Ty again

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Here is a pic of the space

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NEC doesn't care about the water or gas meter, as long as not in the working space or dedicated space (above/below the panel(s)).

Gas codes may have different approach. I think they at least address any kind of pressure relief on a gas regulator (which are commonly located close to a meter), and want them to vent to the outside and a certain distance away from electrical equipment.
Hi everyone and ty again in advance for all the input I'm looking over a job where I have to panels located under a set of steps. Correct me if I'm wrong but u do believe as long as I keep the 6 1/2 foot head space clearance I'm good I have 2 questions.
For argument sakes let's say the two panels equal a working with of 30"
To my knowledge i am only required to provide that 6 1/2 feet head clreance within in that space or does it need to be the whole room
And part 2 of my question. What section should I be looking in regards to panelboards next to other utilities I.e gas meters or water meters or is that a question for the ahj
Ty again

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Picture a refrigerator box that is 30" wide (or width of equipment), by 36" deep (or otherwise required for voltage & rear surface condition), by 78" tall.

Can you fit this refrigerator box in front of the equipment in question? If you can, you are all set.
Definitely is a tear out and I agree with you the only problem is there's not many other options on where to relocate I myself am 6'2" 240 lol I don't like tight spots either

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