Workmens comp

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Its that time of year again and my insurance thief has asked me if I want to remew my comp insurance which of course is all due up front. After the audit we are backcharged for the previous year and must pay the same for the coming year. I was just wondering why if I cancel I'm not eligible for 2 months for another policy. Or maybe i'm being snowed in NJ early. Anyone else have this issue?
Don't fight it... it will win. Just be glad you're not in CA. Out here WC claims & obscene awards (#$%%$# lawyers) are a big part of the cost of doing business. On the bright side, we focus on safety and it actually does pay-off in the long run.
Just be glad ya got it. In Florida ya have to qualify. That's interpreted as an agent looking at you and deciding whether they want to write it for you. You need 5 or more employees. It locks you in with reporting to IRS & State Unemployment for a long time. If you deviate from their idea of a successful EC, They come and get your stuff.

If ya get a claim your rates and there profits go up for the next 3 to 5 years. They like claims. They pay claims fast because they can raise your rates faster then just waiting till the end of the contract period. There is a state fund for those that don't qualify which has astronomical rates. This is what sets the rates for the state not normal actuarial tables. The insurance companies even have there own State Commissioner which enforces their rights to make profits. I hear you can make the same claim on the same injury 15 times and the insurance companies like this. Because it means there are 15 more customers with rate increases. It used to be called racketeering. If you have your own insurance commissioner there customers become a criminal if you don't have what they are selling.

Pay it and up your rates. Explain to your customers how much value they are getting for all that money. Then liberally apply the petroleum jelly as a prophylactic for the reaming those thieving insurance companies are giving you and everybody else. Think of it as a community service.
LOL so true guys true. For any new contractors out there this is a subject that you really need to know about. Try and budget the comp guy getting full access to your bank statements yearly at your house and charging you W/E they want full payment due in 1 week (say like $4000.00). I know everyone has this cost but IMO it is REALLY expensive especially when your first starting out. And Florida sounds like a nightmare so I guess we have it easy here.
I am paying 4.55 per hundred for WC. GCs are 13-18 per hundred depending on what they do. Roofers I heard are 29-34 per hundred!!!
Its called cash flow.

In Florida the rate is 8.9% times a mystical modifier. The modifier is a multiplier on how much more you are charged over the average Joe. This is figured after they see the balance sheet. It looks more and more like a protection scheme. You know "I wont break your knee caps or windows if you pay me so much to watch the front of your store". Motto of Guido's Workman's Comp Insurance inc. Accidents aren't necessary when ya pay Guido on time.
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