Workspace Clearance...110.34

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Washington, DC
When measuring the distance between the equipment and the wall to ensure there is 36 inches of workspace, do you open the panel door and measure from the exposed live parts or from the door itself? Also, on the wall opposite the equipment is some conduit attached to the wall. Would that be considered a violation of the 36 inch requirement or is there a tolerance for such a thing?

Thank you for any feedback.
You measure from the front of the equipment not the live part itself.

110.34 Work Space and Guarding.
(A) Working Space. Except as elsewhere required or per-
mitted in this Code, equipment likely to require examina-
tion, adjustment, servicing, or maintenance while energized
shall have clear working space in the direction of access to
live parts of the electrical equipment and shall be not less
than specified in Table 110.34(A). Distances shall be mea-
sured from the live parts, if such are exposed, or from the
enclosure front or opening if such are enclosed.
Thank you. I appreciate it. What about the conduit and receptacle on the wall? Would that be an impedance on the 36 inch clearance? I cannot imagine that being an issue. I'm told this equipment would be de-energized prior to maintaining, but troubleshooting would of course require it to be energized.
Thanks again.
Any grounded surface would require condition 2 clearance distance from the Table 110.34(A).
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