Would i need a ground rod for an addition to building

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Electrical Engineer
Building (B) will be expanded for addition of few rooms and an elevator. A new subpanel will be required to feed its new load , currently the power provided in building (B) is not enough to support this new addition to it so that is why a new panel is being added to the renovation part. Building (A) is where the main panel is that is feeding all the other buildings. My question is since this new subpanel is being fed directly from the main service panel building (A), do i need a new ground rod for it or do i just connect it to the existing (B) (if there is one which i'm not sure where it is) ground rod and run a ground wire from the main panel to it? Thank you
Your description lost me.
Basically a separate building will require its own GES, be it rods, rebar in footings or whatever.

well basically (building B) expansion will require its own separate feeder from building (building A). (building B) has a ground rod and its own panel, but since i'm adding another panel to be fed directly from (building A). Would i connect this new sub-panel to existing ground rod in (building B) or provide new ground rods? I hope that clears the a question a little lol
well basically (building B) expansion will require its own separate feeder from building (building A). (building B) has a ground rod and its own panel, but since i'm adding another panel to be fed directly from (building A). Would i connect this new sub-panel to existing ground rod in (building B) or provide new ground rods? I hope that clears the a question a little lol
Of course both those panels are are in the same location so using the same GES would be correct.
well basically (building B) expansion will require its own separate feeder from building (building A). (building B) has a ground rod and its own panel, but since i'm adding another panel to be fed directly from (building A). Would i connect this new sub-panel to existing ground rod in (building B) or provide new ground rods? I hope that clears the a question a little lol
The new feeder and panel can and should use the existing electrodes.

However, you're not supposed to have two feeders to a single building.
The new feeder and panel can and should use the existing electrodes.

However, you're not supposed to have two feeders to a single building.
you bring a great point. I'm not sure if this is considered as a single building type campus or separate.
I was thinking the same but had not researched it yet. I have Foot in Mouth or HUA syndrome often enough.

The buildings are being called 'wings' which makes me think that they are technically being all considerd as one building. They are interconnected by walkways and they not too far apart. I must verify, but if so then i dont need a ground rod and just a ground back to the main panel.
The buildings are being called 'wings' which makes me think that they are technically being all considerd as one building. They are interconnected by walkways and they not too far apart. I must verify, but if so then i dont need a ground rod and just a ground back to the main panel.
Building codes will define what constitutes separate buildings.
Building codes will define what constitutes separate buildings.
this expansion has a new elevator and few restroom/storage. But section 225.30 dosen't seem like it gives elevators permission as a special condition. If these turn out to be seperate buildings. I will have to replace the main panel in (building B) to support this expansion?
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