Would this install be legal? Fish tank and extension cords

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This picture was posted in a Facebook group and asking what the pipe is for. I would guess that it's carrying the electrical for the lights above the tank and the pumps below the tank. A discussion came up to debate whether it's possible this is a legal installation. We don't know what's in the conduit but if it was just an extension cord that equipment plugs in to and receptacles above the T-bar, would this be legal?
No. But if you replaced those plumbing parts with an NEC recognized raceway and conduit bodies, and installed receptacles inside the furniture, I think it would be fine. (Probably GFCI receptacles, although I'm not sure if there's an exact code section that speaks to it.

I regard what I'm seeing as permanently installed and extension cords are not for permanent installation or allowed for that by the code.

More aesthetic would be installing a floor receptacle underneath the base.
No. But if you replaced those plumbing parts with an NEC recognized raceway and conduit bodies, and installed receptacles inside the furniture, I think it would be fine. (Probably GFCI receptacles, although I'm not sure if there's an exact code section that speaks to it.

I regard what I'm seeing as permanently installed and extension cords are not for permanent installation or allowed for that by the code.

More aesthetic would be installing a floor receptacle underneath the base.
What would the violation be? Would 400.8 apply since it isn't a permanent installation flexible cord? The pvc is just a sleeve for a temporary power extension cord. It's plug and cord connection on both ends of the extension cord (in the hypothetical scenario)

Would the tank qualify as temporary installation since it's just plug and cord connected?
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Well if it’s just a sleeve for Mc or nmb then technically it’s not a raceways would that be fine then?
Isn't Mc and nmb not legal to be installed in a raceway? Wouldn't this also not qualify as physical protection?
Isn't Mc and nmb not legal to be installed in a raceway? Wouldn't this also not qualify as physical protection?
MC is specifically allowed and NM is often allowed. NM is specifically allowed to be sleeved in WA by amendment. Inside a complete raceway system it would just need to meet fill requirements. If that office is for more than 100 people NM wouldn't be allowed where not covered by 15 min finish.
What would the violation be? Would 400.8 apply since it isn't a permanent installation flexible cord? The pvc is just a sleeve for a temporary power extension cord. It's plug and cord connection on both ends of the extension cord (in the hypothetical scenario)
See 400.12, Uses not permitted: "As a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure." Among other things mentioned in that section, such running through holes in suspended ceilings.

(400.8? Is not a section?)

Would the tank qualify as temporary installation since it's just plug and cord connected?
It's precisely the fact that that pipe has been installed to it that makes it the most not temporary. You need to deconstruct that to move it. You need tools, and you need to take apart the ceiling. In addition, no one is moving that tank without emptying it, so it just is not portable, movable, etc.
Maybe the power comes from a floor box. If it is for electric regardless of what they installed in that it is not code compliant.
Correct on the drop ceiling, but regardless since it’s not an approved raceway then it’s just a sleeve and Mc would be fine as long as it’s not going past its bending radius.
Isn't Mc and nmb not legal to be installed in a raceway? Wouldn't this also not qualify as physical protection?
Nope like letgo said as long as you meet conduit fill you can run cables in a raceway.
Sleeves you don’t have to worry about, since it’s not a raceway.
Who knows,,, maybe the shipment wasn't unpackaged correctly,and,,, someone didn't get the memo that the top part was actually the base to be used for a completely different fish tank in another location.

To me, It doesn't make sense whether you're an electrician or a plumber.

If I were a fish I wouldn't mind living there.

Seems like a pretty cool place on the inside, and, being a fish, I'm never going to see what it looks like on the outside anyway.

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