WT3000-P weight scale

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Has anyone ever worked on weigh scales? not sure if this is the place to ask this question. Customer had us replace the controller only due to it being submerged in water. I replaced 2 controllers only. I powered up controller and an Error code popped up E2 "The zero weight value is under the zero range" was error code. I had no idea how to correct. I assumed because it was submerged in water that it also affected the junction box or load cells in the weigh platform on scale. apprently the platform wasnt submerged but I am start to suspect they were.
Is platform properly assembled? The load cell sees the weight of the platform assembly and if you remove it or is not aligned properly you can get such an error. Or if permanently changing the platform assembly to something lighter you will need to zero the thing to whatever you are using for a platform.

What I am saying is it is sensing less weight than it is expecting for zero weight display.

Could be missing or abnormal signal from load cell as well but make sure you don't have platform issues first.
this is not the kind of thing that the average electrician is well suited to deal with. best bet is to spend the money on a real scale technician.
read OP again, this time it is my understanding you replaced the entire indicator? If so you probably need to set what zero range is supposed to be, after assuring the platform is assembled and any other weight that may normally be on it is present. This way it will know what actual weight on the load cell should be when it is to display zero.

Also sounds like it may possibly be an indicator that is designed to to control a batching process. What happens with those is when it gets a start command typically one of first things it will do is zero the display to start measuring the next batch. But there also is a "zero range" it will be looking for before it will zero. This feature is there to determine if last batch is still on the scale or not, so that zero range should be something close to what an empty platform will register as. I've run into this in bagging operations where the platform gets product spilled on the platform , you don't want product not going into the bag to affect the final weight of the bag so zeroing the display at start of the batch eliminates that error, but get enough product accumulated on the platform and you are out of "zero range" when it tries to start another bag.
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