Wye - Delta Starter Wiring Question - 6 Starter Leads to 12 Wire Motor @ 460 Volts

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I've been researching this for a couple of days now but haven't found a diagram for my specific situation. I'm currently installing a waterjet system that was originally running on 230V 3-Phase and I'm converting it to 460V 3-Phase, which means changing the wiring to the motor (which is a 50HP motor) from low voltage to high but the diagram on the motor box has me stumped. I've hooked up hundreds of regular 3-Phase motors in the past but I've never come across a Wye - Delta starter setup. So, I have 6 wires coming from the starters, one starter has an overload attached to it and has 3 wires (labeled U1, V1 and W1, in that order from left to right), and then there's 2 starters that are mechanically and electrically linked and has 3 wires coming from them (labeled W2, U2 and V2, in that order from left to right). Now inside of the motor box there are 12 wires and the diagram for high voltage shows the schematic for Wye Start - Delta Run. I will add pictures to this post as well, but I just need to know how to connect all of the wires correctly. I appreciate any assistance you can give me so I can finally start cutting some parts!

Here's a general view of the starters/contactors
View attachment 15453
This is the single contactor with the overload (U1, V1, W1)
View attachment 15456
This is the bottom of the linked contactors (W2, U2, V2)
View attachment 15457
This is the diagram on the inside of the motor box (wiring for high voltage - 460V)
View attachment 15458


Moderator, OTD
Staff member
San Francisco Bay Area, CA, USA
Electrical Engineer
Not sure what you tried to attach, but it didn't work. It might be simply that you just joined today, so I think the rules are that you cannot post images for a while.

Here is what your motor connections likely look like:

Given the "U, V, W" numbering scheme, it's most likely something from outside of North America, so this is likely what your starter will look like.

So first, make up the 12 leads in the motor peckerhead to the "High" part of the top diagram. then take the 6 leads to the starter and connect them to the terminals as shown in the lower diagram. If your starter has "T1,2,3 and 4,5,6" instead, then U1 = T1, V1 = T2, W1 = T3, U2 = T4, V2 = T5, W2 = T6.

Now, if it were me, I would forego the Y-D starter and sell it for scrap, then use a Solid State Soft starter instead. Y-D is horrible on the motor and often everything else in the plant, it's just a cheaper way out of the requirement for "Reduced Voltage starting".


portland, Or.
another question related

another question related

delta wye question
I have a European grinder motor ,UVWXYZ 12 leads setup for 208/250 delta/ wye starter.. while replacing motor leads I have disconnected the stab terminals, I have no numbers and the wires are all same color.of course no drawings available for a 1960's machine . I have used my meter to identify and separate low and higher voltages.does any one know whether both sets of leads have to be phased correctly and how I can check the low speed rotation with the delta rotation, does this matter? the delta side comes on 6 seconds later. I would rather not grenade the motor or grinding wheel.
how can I check both voltages and rotations while disconnected. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance G.​


portland, Or.
delta wye question
I have a European grinder motor ,UVWXYZ 12 leads setup for 208/250 delta/ wye starter.. while replacing motor leads I have disconnected the stab terminals, I have no numbers and the wires are all same color.of course no drawings available for a 1960's machine . I have used my meter to identify and separate low and higher voltages.does any one know whether both sets of leads have to be phased correctly and how I can check the low speed rotation with the delta rotation, does this matter? the delta side comes on 6 seconds later. I would rather not grenade the motor or grinding wheel.
how can I check both voltages and rotations while disconnected. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance G.​
I appreciate the help, the instructions with the battery was helpful, to answer my own question YES! correct phasing on both set of leads need to be the same direction,. here's what I did, after identifying all windings I unwired the motor and proceeded to use a phase sequencer to verify rotation coming from the starter, using a suicide cord and a donor delta wye motor hooking one set of leads at a time, verifying which set of wires were delta and which were wye.once I had the rotation correct to the donor motor I then hooked the original motor to both set of t-lead terminals and fired it up. works great ! in my situation the connections were as follows t-1,2,3 were XYZ this was the wye and of course UVW was the delta, rotation was CCW from the back of the motor, thanks guys for all the help! y'all rock!
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