Xfmr Grounding

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Germantown, MD
Small renovation job, installing a Xmfr but the source panel (480/277V, 3Ph, 4w) seems to be using the RGSC as the grounding means; the EGCs are all disconnected, "waiting to be connected. No grounding bar.
The Question: Can we install a grounding bushing w/ locknut to establish the grounding bar, connect the Xfmr and all the EGCs? See picture.grounding.jpg
Well the question is, by installing a grounding bushing and locknut, are we satisfying the grounding requirements for the source panel? If that is Kosher, then yeah, I would dedicate the Xfmr EGC to 1 bar.
So you want to attach the EGC feeding the transformer primary to a bonding bushing?
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