xfmr location

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I have a 480 primary,208 secondary xfmr feeding a office space in a warehouse and have no avail floor space avail for xfmr (30 kva, 400lbs). Roof trusses @ 39'.
Top of office space is 13'
And the eng. said he wants a disco before the xfmr within 10' of the panel and m.b. is he right?

he's right if he has the final say or is paying for it :grin:
The transformer primary OCP device can be any distance from the transformer as long as the conductors are properly sized.
The secondary conductors must comply wit 240.21(C) rules.
The 10' rule there looks applicable, but the main need not be separate from your panel.
Thanks, Augie. Sorry to sound ignorant but how do u find answers so quick... do u know every art.... I'm still and always learning ...any advice is appreciated

old age !

Hilarious. Augie's favorite pic for sure (i'm guessing it's his desktop background as well!). One question though, aren't you oldies supposed to have memory problems? Almost all electrical engineers (well power engineers, not microelectronics/signal guys) that I know, certainly all of them in our office, are over 55, yet they all are pretty much Augie-status... is electrical engineering the true elixir of youth or does being around magnetic fields all the time somehow improve the neuron connections?
you will notice my answers often lag behind some of the young whipper-snappers'. I can recall sometimes that "it's in the book", I can't recall where......
Old age allows one to make many mistakes... that improves your memory..:)
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