yes maam I think

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Looks like they used 2 KOs on each side. Did they forget about the ones on the bottom? Could'a crammed a few more wires in there.......:wink:
if you look close it's the old style 4 square and only had 2 KO'S per side. This job started when the home owner wanted me to change a bad light switch. Found out that all the switches switched the neutral instead of th hot. The three conductor you see where the neutral is tapped is actually the feed down to the first three way in the kitchen.A lot of the houses in this neighborhood were built by Von Braun's rocket team in the early 50's (it reminded them of Penameunde Germany where they were from) And many of them wired the houses themselves. The origianal wiring was really well done the problems were 50 years of add ons.
masterinbama said:
A lot of the houses in this neighborhood were built by Von Braun's rocket team in the early 50's (it reminded them of Penameunde Germany where they were from) And many of them wired the houses themselves. The origianal wiring was really well done the problems were 50 years of add ons.
That has to be fascinating to see!!:smile: I envy you the experience, even though there's junk like your photo shows, to see the assemblies resulting from the thought processes of such a select crowd of minds.
stickboy1375 said:
Because thats how they did it, That picture is very common for me to see, If you work in old houses, thats what you get.

I try not to put much thought into how someone did something, because chances are, they didn't much much thought into it in the first place. ;)
This is the conversation that just happened in my house while looking at this thread:

My 3yr old - "bam bam bam bam bam (playing w/ GI joe's w/ guns)"

I'm scrolling down, not knowing he was looking at the screen when the pic shows up-

3yr old "bam bam bam, oooooooooooooooo, that's nasty daddy!!!! What is that???"

It was hilarious.
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