Your Price

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Senior Member
Let's see who is cutting the industry down and just working for cash flow.
It simple bid the following basic to code
Assume all rooms have 4 walls, 1 switch, 1 light no fans

1600 sqft home
single car garage
3 bedrooms
10 ft entry hall
Kitchen with 20 ft of counter (not including sink), dishwasher, disposal
Breakfast room
living room
2 full bathrooms
front and rear entry (no patio)
Natural Gas for all appliances
No wall space is greater than 12 ft long.
bigjohn67 said:
Let's see who is cutting the industry down and just working for cash flow.

This one is so small and you want it at minimum code, that it might just be the homowner is looking for a low ball price. Given that information if it was mid Feb for a start date I might do it for cash flow. I don't do small homes or minimum code. 1600 sf is the size of a small basement finish for us.
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Oh yeah the OP forgot to mention the service is 300' away UG and the POCO mandates CU... Good luck with those prices.
ITO said:
Oh yeah the OP forgot to mention the service is 300' away UG and the POCO mandates CU... Good luck with those prices.
GC supplys 2 1/2 pvc conduit our POCO supplies and pulls wire so underground service is NOT in the bid
Rewire said:
GC supplys 2 1/2 pvc conduit our POCO supplies and pulls wire so underground service is NOT in the bid

Your bid would not be any good in my part of the country. GC around here NEVER furnish PVC, and the POCO only furnishes wire on the primary side of the transformer. Oh and you can forget that soft dirt stuff too, its all rock. Service feeders here can get expensive.

I understand its just a pricing exercise, it?s just missing so much information that calling it a bid is a stretch, its more like a qualified budget.
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ITO said:
Your bid would not be any good in my part of the country. GC around here NEVER furnish PVC, and the POCO only furnishes wire on the primary side of the transformer. Oh and you can forget that soft dirt stuff too, its all rock. Service feeders here can get expensive.
I would not bid that in your area I would add in the extra cost that I do not have in my area.
Denis said:
$3k all materials provided

too many variables any other way

10c switch vs. $5 :rolleyes:
Where do you find .10 cent switches?When you do enough houses you know what one will cost on average.What I submit to the homeowner or GC has ESTIMATE written at the top and I make it clear that anything beyond the scope of the estimate will be charged as extra and all estimates are code minimum or taken from print layout.After we start then I will upsell from plain toggles and recps to Dacora.
brantmacga said:
i would be around $5800 for that job; no fixtures.

I think Brant is about right.

A small house is very deceptive. You still do all the hard parts, service, kitchen and baths. Run the same number of smoke detectors as a larger 3 bedroom house. Same number of cable & phone jacks. The idea of having a single pole for a light and not prewire for a fan doesn't save much time or money. You still have two bathrooms with exhaust fans and the same number of exterior receptacles required. Same egress lighting ( they just end up being cheap fixures). Same AC circuit and same attic light and possible receptacle if equipment to be serviced. Same number of permits and same number of inspections.

In my opinion doing a 1600 sq. ft house is not all that much easier than doing a 2200-2400 square ft house. It's normally just bigger rooms and all your are adding is a few extra receptacles ( the easiest thing to do ).
If you only put one light in a room does it make any difference if the room is 100 sq ft or 200 sq ft?

When it comes right down to it I would think 6K plus would be reasonable for a single house being built with fixtures provided by owner ( code minimum ). If they want a cheaper price they should build a 100 of them.

This is overhead 100 amp service and no temp. power.

I didn't say I would do it for 6K only that I would check it out. :wink:
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growler said:
I think Brant is about right.

Same number of cable & phone jacks.
cable and phone jacks are extra
The idea of having a single pole for a light and not prewire for a fan doesn't save much time or money.
a penny saved is a penny earned
doing a 2200-2400 square ft house. It's normally just bigger rooms and all your are adding is a few extra receptacles ( the easiest thing to do ).
and more wire and more holes to drill
If you only put one light in a room does it make any difference if the room is 100 sq ft or 200 sq ft?
14/3 at .35 .35 x 10 =3.50 .35 x 15 =5.25 or 1.75 a 50% increase in material cost.
based on 10 x10 and 10 x 20 @ 5ft up and 5 ft over to light=10 ft and 5 ft up and 10 ft over to light= 15 ft
Rewire said:
cable and phone jacks are extra a penny saved is a penny earned and more wire and more holes to drill

Cable & phone are required in most counties. If this were a 2400 sq ft house at code minimum with phone & cable and prewired for fans most would want between $7000-$7500 to wire it.

Is it really that much cheaper to leave out the fan prewire & the phones/cable. We are not talkng about that many additional receptacles.

Instead of working from the gound up I use a standard size house and work backward. How much cleaper to do a 1600 sq ft house than a 2400 sq ft house. I think you would be hard pressed to save over a $1000 bucks.

Just a different way of looking at things. :D
growler said:
Cable & phone are required in most counties. If this were a 2400 sq ft house at code minimum with phone & cable and prewired for fans most would want between $7000-$7500 to wire it.

Is it really that much cheaper to leave out the fan prewire & the phones/cable. We are not talkng about that many additional receptacles.

Instead of working from the gound up I use a standard size house and work backward. How much cleaper to do a 1600 sq ft house than a 2400 sq ft house. I think you would be hard pressed to save over a $1000 bucks.

Just a different way of looking at things. :D
with the ever increasing popularity of cell phones many HO opt for only one jack and many don.t connect the term obsolete comes to mind,If the county requires cable how many jacks do they specify?
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