your to high

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Senior Member
I am looking for good come back answers for those customers who complain that my rates are to high.One I like I heard from a plumber whose customer told him his competitor offered to do the job for 500.00 less he looked at the customer and said AA plumbing bid that well I should have bid it higher.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
How about this:

"OK. Just give me a check for the $xxx (fill in your own number) for preparing this cost estimate, and I'll be on my way. If you decide to hire me for the job (within the next 10 days), I will credit this amount to the final bill."

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
Rewire said:
I am looking for good come back answers for those customers who complain that my rates are to high.One I like I heard from a plumber whose customer told him his competitor offered to do the job for 500.00 less he looked at the customer and said AA plumbing bid that well I should have bid it higher.

Response: Interesting that you said that the last satisfied customer I bid for told me I was $500.00 lower then the other EC she had bid it.


Senior Member
Long Island, NY
I have this hanging in front of my desk hope you enjoy;

The Contractor: A gambler who never gets to shuffle, cut or deal.

Bid Opening: A poker game in which the losing hand wins.

Bid: A wild guess carried out to two decimal places.

Low Bidder: A contractor who is wondering what he left out of his bid.

Engineer's Estimate: The cost of construction in heaven.

Project Manager: The conductor of an orchestra in which every musician is in a different union.

Critical Path Method:A management technique for losing your shirt under perfect control.

OSHA: A protective coating made by half-baking a mixture of fine print, red tape, split hairs and baloney; usually applied at random with a shotgun.

Strike: An effort to increase egg production by strangling the chicken.

Delayed Payment: A tourniquet applied at the pockets.

Completion Date: The point at which liquidated damages begin.

Liquidated Damages: A penalty for failing to achieve the impossible.

Auditor: Person who goes in after the war is lost to bayonet the wounded.

Lawyer: Person who goes in after the auditors to strip the body


Senior Member

I just telll them our prices are to stay in business and we will beable to be here for them in 20 years when our stuff needs to be changed because they remodeled..
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